601年DPT人体解剖学                                                       5个学分

以肌肉骨骼系统的结构和功能为重点的正常人体解剖学. 包括人体解剖.

DPT 602应用生理学                                                   4个学分

Study of human physiology with an emphasis on cellular level structure and function of the 肌肉骨骼, 神经系统, 包皮的, 心血管, 肺系统. 结构和功能之间的关系是理解病理过程的基础. 运动生理学的基础是在物理治疗环境中应用的基础.

DPT 603临床神经科学                                             4个学分

Detailed study of the structure and function of the central and peripheral nervous systems including phylogeny and morphology, 发育解剖学, 和组织学. 神经结构和功能与人体运动控制和感觉过程的关系.

DPT 611病人护理技巧                                                   3学分

技能开发入门课程中的基本测试与措施, interventions and patient management processes in the physical therapy practice setting including the patient/client management and ICF models.

DPT 612病人护理技能II 3学分

在测试和测量中继续发展基本技能, 物理治疗实践中的干预与患者管理.

DPT 621临床病理学                                                      4个学分

Study of alterations in normal structure and function of the human body with an emphasis on the 肌肉骨骼, 内部器官系统, 包皮的, 心血管, 肺, 中枢和周围神经系统. 包括病理生理条件,通常遇到的物理治疗设置.

DPT 631临床药理学                                             3学分

Provide a foundation in understanding the medications used across the lifespan to treat a variety of diagnoses commonly seen in clinical practice. 重点是消炎, 肌肉松弛剂, 肌肉骨骼, 神经系统, 以及与心肺药物治疗相关的临床不良反应. 另外, 本课程介绍药代动力学和药效学原理, potential drug interactions seen in patients/clients receiving physical therapy and integrate these principles with common pathologies.

DPT 641专业参与I:物理治疗专业入门3学分

这是培养学生道德素养的七门课程中的第一门, 道德, 负责任的物理治疗师. 第一门课的重点是专业的历史, 美国医疗体系, 道德准则和核心价值观.

DPT 642专业参与II:专业和跨专业实践3学分

这是培养学生道德素质的七门课程中的第二门, 道德, 负责任的物理治疗师. 第二门课程的重点是介绍物理治疗实践中的法律和伦理问题, 患者管理中的社会心理因素, 跨学科团队. 学生将培养专业行为自我评估的技能.

DPT 643 Professional 订婚 III: Education and Psychosocial Skills in Physical Therapy   3 credits

这是一系列七门课程中的第三门,旨在培养学生的道德素养, 道德, 负责任的物理治疗师. Emphasis in the third course on the teaching and learning process and the application of psychosocial, 物理治疗实践中的法律和伦理问题. 案例研究的机会,作为法律和道德推理的基础.

DPT 661运动科学                                                    4个学分

人体运动基础的综合研究,包括应用解剖学和生理学, 生物力学, 运动机能学在物理治疗实践中评估和治疗运动功能障碍.

DPT 732临床成像                                                         3学分 

提供基本原理的概述, purpose and process of imaging analysis applied to patient/client management in physical therapy practice. Basic interpretation methods of assessing radiographic imaging and application of findings to physical therapy examination, 评价, 诊断, 包括预后和干预措施. 另外, the ability to demonstrate clinical judgment and recognize diagnostic imaging findings that trigger a medical referral is emphasized.

DPT 744专业参与IV:物理治疗中的领导和管理I 3学分

四是一系列七门课程,培养学生的道德素养, 道德, 负责任的物理治疗师. Emphasis in the fourth course on introduction to administration and management in physical therapy practice.

DPT 751关键调查我                                                          2学分

首先是三门系列课程,让学生做好理解的准备, 分析, 并利用专业文献批判性地将证据整合到临床实践中. Emphasis in the first course is on the concept of evidence as a foundation for clinical practice and the research process.

DPT 752第二重要的调查                                                        2学分

第二是三门系列课程,让学生做好理解的准备, 利用 and critically 分析 professional literature and to integrate evidence into clinical practice. 第二门课程的重点是理解研究过程如何建立证据.

DPT 762初级护理物理治疗2学分

应用程序 of the patient/client management model as a basis for development of skills of systems review, 记录病史和体检的组成部分. Use of screening for impact of morbidities and co-morbidities and formulation of a physical therapy 诊断 and plan of care.

DPT 771外皮的物理治疗                       2学分

应用程序 of the patient management model in patients with 包皮的 and lymphatic disorders including diagnostics, 和药理学.

DPT 772肌肉骨骼物理治疗I 4学分

患者/客户管理模式在肌肉骨骼疾病患者中的应用. Diagnosis and evidence-based management of the patient with disorders of the upper quarter and spine emphasized.

DPT 773肌肉骨骼物理治疗II 4学分

Continued application of the patient/client management model in patients with 肌肉骨骼 disorders. Diagnosis and evidence-based management of the patient with disorders of the lower quarter and spine emphasized.

DPT 774心肺物理治疗3学分

检查, 评价 and management of the patient with 心血管 and 肺 disorders common to physical therapy practice.

DPT 775神经肌肉物理治疗I 4学分

应用程序 of the patient/client management model in the adult patient with neuromuscular disorders. 检查, 评价 and management of the patient with neuromuscular disorders common to physical therapy practice. 强调主要影响下运动神经元的疾病, 颅神经和周围神经紊乱以及脊髓损伤.

我DPT 781年临床经验                                                2学分

First of four full-time experiences to provide students the opportunity for hands-on professional practice under the supervision of a licensed physical therapist. 监督实践的测试和措施和干预低复杂性的病人.

DPT 845专业参与V:领导和管理在物理治疗II 3学分 

系列七门课程中的第五门,培养学生的道德素养, 道德, 负责任的物理治疗师. Emphasis in the fifth course is on the application of administration and management in physical therapy practice.

DPT 846 Professional 订婚 VI: Communication and Professional Behaviors in Physical Therapy   2 credits

Sixth in a series of seven courses integrated throughout the curriculum to prepare students as ethical, 道德, 负责任的物理治疗师. Emphasis in this course is on integration of affective skills and behaviors as part of a health care team.

DPT 847专业参与VII:实践作为一个新的专业2学分

七门系列课程中的第七门,培养学生的道德素养, 道德, 负责任的物理治疗师. Emphasis in the seventh course is on preparation for entering the physical therapy employment setting and licensure.

DPT 853第三重要的调查                                                      2学分

第三是三门系列课程,让学生做好理解的准备, 利用, 批判性地分析专业文献,将证据整合到临床实践中. 第三门课程的重点是参与学术过程.

DPT 863老年物理治疗                                   3学分

病人/客户管理模式在老年人中的应用. 健康老龄化和维持最佳生活质量的概念和挑战. 在物理治疗实践设置中常见的年龄相关疾病的管理.

DPT 864儿科物理治疗4学分

Physical therapy management of primary and secondary conditions common to the pediatric physical therapy setting. 重视评价、检查、管理和以家庭为中心的护理.

DPT 876神经肌肉物理治疗II 4学分

Continued application of the patient/client management model in adult patients with neuromuscular disorders. 强调创伤的处理, 急性和慢性脑部疾病和复杂神经肌肉疾病.

DPT 877矫正器和假肢                                     2学分 

Concepts and application of orthotic and prosthetic devices in patient management with an emphasis on the lower extremity.

DPT 878特殊人群物理治疗2学分 

Physical therapy management of patients with co-morbidities impacting primary physical therapy 诊断 including patients with cancer, 泌尿生殖器的, 盆底, 前庭和平衡障碍, 以及急诊部的复杂疾病和物理治疗.

DPT 879健康促进和健康                         3学分

促进健康的基本概念, 健身, 以及个人和人群在物理治疗实践中的健康.

DPT 882年临床经验                                               4个学分

Second of four full-time experiences to provide students the opportunity for hands-on professional practice under the supervision of a licensed physical therapist. 对患有多种疾病的患者进行检查、测量和干预的监督实践. 实践复杂的病人/客户管理.

DPT 883第三临床经验                                             3学分

Third of four full-time experiences to provide students the opportunity for hands-on professional practice under the supervision of a licensed physical therapist. 对患有多种疾病的患者进行检查、测量和干预的监督实践. 继续在复杂的病人/客户管理方面进行实践.

DPT 884临床经验IV 6学分 

在有执照的物理治疗师的监督下完成临床经验课程. Students engage in practice with patients of varying complexities and participate in the management of the physical therapy practice setting. 强调为入门级实践做准备.

DPT 891临床决策在物理治疗实践3学分

Clinical reasoning and decision-making utilizing case scenarios that require students to develop and modify plan of care based on patient response.